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Using SentiUtils with C++


Before you start integrating SentiUtil's data stream into C++, please make sure your system has SentiUtils and the Protobuf compiler installed.

To work with SentiUtil's Protobuf message definitions, please clone or download the SentiSystems senti_com ROS1 package, or senti-proto repository.

The ROS1 senti_com package requires your system to have a working ROS1 installation. See the official install instructions for Ubuntu.

senti_com - for usage with ROS1

  1. Setup a ROS workspace. Official tutorial
  2. Run git clone --recurse-submodules from your <ros_workspace>/src/ folder.
  3. Run catkin_make from <ros_workspace> (catkin_make will generate the needed Protobuf files automatically).
  4. Be sure to source <ros_workspace>/devel/setup.bash or add source <ros_workspace>/devel/setup.bash to your .bashrc file.
  5. Check that everything is working by running a roscore and starting the utils2ros node. rosrun senti_com utils2ros.
  6. Sensor data should now be translated to ROS messages. Check rostopic list and print messages with rostopic echo /senti/<message>.

senti_com - for usage with ROS2

  1. Setup a ROS2 workspace.
  2. Run git clone -b ros2 --recurse-submodules from your <ros2_workspace>/src/ folder.
  3. Run colcon build.
  4. Be sure to source <ros2_workspace>/install/setup.bash or add source <ros2_workspace>/install/setup.bash to your .bashrc file.
  5. Start the utils2ros node. ros2 run senti_com utils2ros
  6. Sensor data should now be translated to ROS2 messages. Check ros2 topic list and print messages with ros2 topic echo /senti/<message>. Be vary of ROS2 default Quality-of-Service settings with respect to message loss etc.

senti-proto - for standalone usage

git clone

To generate the needed C++ files, proceed to run the following command

protoc --cpp_out=<insert location for output files> senti.proto

This should generate a senti.pb.h and a file, which should be placed in the same folder as your C++ software and included when compiling your software.

SentiMessageParser for C++


The senti_com ROS package is meant as a suggestion for how the SentiUtil's data stream should be converted to ROS. You are of course free to extend or change this example as you see fit. E.g by translating the data to other message types, or creating another system for publishing the data.

The senti_com ROS1 package contains a SentiUtils2Ros class, which inherits from a SentiMessageParser class. These two classes will make sure that the SentiUtil's data stream is handled, and callback functions are used to handle the seperate SentiSystems Protobuf messages.

Example usage is as follows:

#include "SentiUtils2Ros.hpp"
#include "proto/senti.pb.h"

#include "sensor_msgs/Imu.h"
#include "sensor_msgs/MagneticField.h"
#include "sensor_msgs/Temperature.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped.h"

#include "std_msgs/Header.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    ros::init(argc, argv, "utils2ros");
    ros::NodeHandle n;

    SentiUtils2Ros utils2ros(n);


    // Start the message receiving loop;

    return 0;

The callback functions are functions which takes a std::string&, and a pointer to the SentiUtils2Ros class (SentiUtils2Ros*) as input.


void publish_imu_msg(const std::string& message, const SentiUtils2Ros* utils2ros)
    SentiIMUMagOrientationMsg senti_imu_msg;
    sensor_msgs::Imu ros_imu_msg;

    set_header_stamp(&ros_imu_msg.header, senti_imu_msg.header());

    ros_imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = senti_imu_msg.lin_acc()[0];
    ros_imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = senti_imu_msg.lin_acc()[1];
    ros_imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = senti_imu_msg.lin_acc()[2];

    ros_imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = senti_imu_msg.ang_vel()[0];
    ros_imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = senti_imu_msg.ang_vel()[1];
    ros_imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = senti_imu_msg.ang_vel()[2];

    ros_imu_msg.orientation.x = senti_imu_msg.orientation()[0];
    ros_imu_msg.orientation.y = senti_imu_msg.orientation()[1];
    ros_imu_msg.orientation.z = senti_imu_msg.orientation()[2];
    ros_imu_msg.orientation.w = senti_imu_msg.orientation()[3];


    sensor_msgs::Temperature ros_temperature_msg;
    ros_temperature_msg.header = ros_imu_msg.header;
    ros_temperature_msg.temperature = senti_imu_msg.temperature();
    ros_temperature_msg.variance = 0;

    sensor_msgs::MagneticField ros_mag_msg;
    ros_mag_msg.header = ros_imu_msg.header;
    ros_mag_msg.magnetic_field.x = senti_imu_msg.mag()[0] * GAUSS_TO_TESLA;
    ros_mag_msg.magnetic_field.y = senti_imu_msg.mag()[1] * GAUSS_TO_TESLA;
    ros_mag_msg.magnetic_field.z = senti_imu_msg.mag()[2] * GAUSS_TO_TESLA;

